About EAWC

The European Alliance for Wolf Conservation (EAWC) was founded in 2015 by the associations Ferus (France), Lobo Marley (Spain), and ZooLogical (Portugal)
The objective of EAWC is achieving a better conservation status for the wolf throughout Europe and a strict protection in accordance with article 12 of the Habitats Directive -formally known as Council Directive 92/43/EEC, on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora in all countries covered by the Directive, without the use of unnecessary and counterproductive lethal management or derogation from strict protection under Article 16 (1) of the Habitats Directive. It is crucial that the EAWC expands to all those European countries where the wolf is present, inside and outside the EU, granting membership or partnership to any NGO that shares the same vision, in order to achieve a common, united and stronger voice before European Institutions and National Governments.
The EAWC shall work together with education and advocacy efforts to allow the general public to learn and understand the positive values of the wolf and its potential contribution to the prosperity of rural areas through ecotourism and the improvement of the environment for future generations as a key element to halt the global climate crisis and biodiversity loss.
EAWC Stockholm Manifesto, 2022
Request to the Government of Sweden to immediately stop the licensed hunting of wolves.
EAWC Manifesto, Helsinki, 2019
Request to improve the enforcement of current European legislation for wolf protection.
EAWC Manifesto, Brussels, 2017
Request for a consistent wolf management scheme in the European Union.

European Alliance for Wolf Conservation
Pictures by Ville Palmu, Gunther Lenhardt and Luchs-und Wolfsshutz Bayerischer Wald
Property of their respective owners and cannot be used without permission
(C) 2023