What we do

The European Alliance for Wolf Conservation (EAWC) is a Platform of NGOs from different European States, advocating on behalf of the civil society and the scientific community for a fact-based wolf conservation model, and a more rigorous enforcement of the European Environmental policy and legislation at the national level and across Europe, demanding the strict protection of this species declared of “Community Interest”, in accordance with the EU Habitats Directive, and within the frame of the Bern Convention.

European Alliance for Wolf Conservation
Pictures by Ville Palmu, Gunther Lenhardt and Luchs-und Wolfsshutz Bayerischer Wald
Property of their respective owners and cannot be used without permission
(C) 2023
Pictures by Ville Palmu, Gunther Lenhardt and Luchs-und Wolfsshutz Bayerischer Wald
Property of their respective owners and cannot be used without permission
(C) 2023