European Alliance for Wolf Conservation (EAWC)
We are a coalition of NGOs advocating for the use of preventive non-lethal means to achieve coexistence with wolves, in accordance with the strict protection granted by the EU Habitats Directive and the Bern Convention.
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EAWC statement regarding the possibility of revising the protection status of the wolf in Europe
Below we publish the letter sent by EAWC to the European Community and the press organs.Brussels, September 11th, 2023 Respectfully,the European Alliance for Wolf Conservation (EAWC), representing the undersigned Organizations and advocating on behalf of civil society...

European Alliance for Wolf Conservation
Pictures by Ville Palmu, Gunther Lenhardt and Luchs-und Wolfsshutz Bayerischer Wald
Property of their respective owners and cannot be used without permission
(C) 2023
Pictures by Ville Palmu, Gunther Lenhardt and Luchs-und Wolfsshutz Bayerischer Wald
Property of their respective owners and cannot be used without permission
(C) 2023